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You have a choice in Heating and Cooling companies, so THANK YOU for considering Hoodview Heating and Air Conditioning. Our goal is to earn your business, your trust, and your loyalty by delivering the greatest service experience you have ever encountered by any trade company, bar none. But first, may we suggest that you should determine if we have the expertise to work on your particular system. Please click on Supported Equipment for a list of equipment that we support.

If you are considering replacing new equipment in your home, we understand that this is a big decision. Your home comfort system, on average, represents approximately 56% of your total energy usage. Choosing the right contractor to design, install, and maintain your comfort system is critical to your satisfaction with your new system.

The individual “components” of your comfort system will be specifically chosen to address your needs, expectations, and priorities. As an example, here are some of the parameters that will be considered when choosing the components of your new system.


  • VARIABLE SPEED BLOWER – Lowest energy usage, minimal noise, and consistent air flow
  • TWO STAGE GAS VALVE – evens out the temperature swings by starting at low heat, and increasing to high heat on the coldest days
  • MODULATING GAS VALVE – Your thermostat and furnace are continually “communicating” with each other to match the heat output to the heating need.
  • EFFICIENCY RATING – the higher the efficiency, the less fuel the furnace uses. Minimum efficiency is 80%, and can be as high as 97%.


  • COIL TYPE AND MATERIAL – Aluminum spine-fine coil offer the fewest welds, the best heat transfer, and longest durability compared to a copper plate fin coil.
  • MATCHED INDOOR COIL – Installing an AC and/or a Heat Pump with a mis-matched indoor coil can reduce the effiency by 50%.
  • TWO STAGE COMPRESSOR – evens out the temperature swings by starting at low output, and increasing to high output when required.
  • EFFICIENCY RATING – Air conditioners have a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. Heat pumps have an HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor) rating. The higher the rating, the less energy the system uses.


A hybrid system combines a high efficiency heat pump as the primary source of heat, with a fossil fuel burning furnace (natural gas, propane, or oil) as the backup source of heat. The system’s controls determine which heat source is the most cost effective for the heating needs of the house. The heat pump can usually provide comfortable heat down to about 35-40 degrees. If the heat pump can’t “keep up”, the backup heat comes on to bring the house to temperature. A hybrid system can often save $200 to $300 per year over a natural gas furnace. In addition, with a heat pump you get cooling also, practically for free!

READ MORE about our process for fitting you with the perfect equipment to heat your home. If you are curious about a quote, call us at 503.665.0764 or submit your information here.